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Renesas RL78F family doesn’t have a Read instruction, we use a special protocol with access only Data-Flash area.
Read time ~ 400 seconds, Write less than 2 seconds.
Connection scheme - DOWNLOAD
List of supported mcu Renesas RL78:
Read / Write / Compare Data-Flash only. R5F10CL R5F10CM R5F10DG R5F10DL R5F10DM R5F10DP R5F10DS R5F10RB R5F10RF R5F10RG R5F10RJ R5F10RL R5F10TP R5F1006A R5F1006C R5F1006D R5F1006E R5F1016A R5F1016C R5F1016D R5F1016E R5F10WME R5F100LC R5F100LD R5F100LE R5F100LF R5F100LG R5F100LH R5F100LJ R5F100LL R5F100LK R5F100LL R5F109ACK R5F10BAx R5F10BGx R5F10PGJ R5F10PLJ R5F113GK